It really wasn't that cold once my body warmed up (about a half mile into the run). I'd say it was in the upper 30s to low 40s, somewhere in there. By the time winter bleeds into spring, I'll probably be acclimated to the cold of the Pacific Northwest.LOL.
I really enjoy being out in the element, be it cold or rain, sunshine or snow. Maybe it's cause I'm cooped up all day behind a desk breathing in recycled air. Or maybe it's just the way I'm wired. Whatever the reason is, the enjoyment of being outside has always been clear to me. To what extent, now therein lies the question.
Will that enjoyment still be present when I climb the 11,000 + ft. mountain peak that has a year-round glacier? Will it be present when I'm huffing-and-puffing my ass to the top? Will it be there when my toes feel like they are no longer my own? Will it be there when climbing the snow-packed mountain face puts you in a vertical position?
I will have to get back to you on that. :-)
Well let's get it straight the toes belong me. I rub, crack, tickle, and give them the attention so they are mine.