This is actually quite neat, sharing my journey with others, both those close to me and the curious anonymous beings of the internet .
There are many reasons why I want to take part in this endeavor. There is the obvious reason of helping a non-profit raise money to fund research for Lung Disease. But then there are the many other reasons, some small some big, that when added up, become a mountain all on their own:
There's Guss, who was recently diagnosed with cancer. There's my grandpa who died of unconfirmed lung disease (he was 98 so they didn't feel it was safe nor worthwhile to figure it out). There's the thought of less-fortunate countries relying on foundations such as this one to bring forth the medical answers to their nations. There's my leg accident when I was 10 and the doctors saying I'd never walk again. There's my husbands knees that are perpetually achey due to all the crazy things he did as a "younger" man such as being a paratrooper in the military. There's the desire to do something you never imagined you'd be capable of doing. And then there's that curiosity about the view from the top! I could go on, but it would get very long and eventually uninteresting.
So I've got the motivation to train for the climb, and the reasons why my mind and heart will propel me through the tough times. Now, all I need to do is start thinking of how to raise the money I will need to be part of the team.
Suggestions are welcome!!! :-)
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